
No matter your goals, from a classic retail play to TikTok stardom, winning is actually quite simple. Make a great product, then put the right story in the right place from the very beginning.

Practically, this means I deliver…

  • If you’re feeling like you don’t know where to start or who to hire, rest assured that I do.

  • Brand strategy, e.g. functional and emotional benefits, product north star, positioning, and mission-vision-values.

  • Customer, category, company, and culture research that utilizes qualitative and quantitative inputs as necessary.

  • Working with my large network of freelance creative directors and boutique agencies, I source and oversee game-changing brand design.

  • Research-driven planning that outlines the whys, the whats, and the path to execution — all against a measurement framework.

  • From copywriting, to campaigns to MVP eCommerce production, I’ve done it all.

With vetted, brilliant and insanely kind humans

From illustrators to ecomm managers, to media strategists to creative agencies, I’ve hired or collaborated with every kind of talent in a marketing department.

Over time, I’ve built deep relationships and learned to vet people who mirror my own curiosity, work ethic, and sense of purpose.

And totally transparent pricing.

I’ve worked in an agency and I’ve written SOWs, a lot of them.

Here’s how agencies make money: markup. They outsource client management to mid-senior level people and then take 30-50% off the top. If you work with me, where your money goes will always be clear.